
Welcome To The Jungle IX [RD2 : F9]

Thanks for joining us for Round 2, Front 9 coverage, as we head over to the beautiful Meadowbrook Orchards, for this year's Welcome To The Jungle tourney - Presented by title Sponsor East Coast Metal Roofing (https://www.eastcoastmetalroofing.com).

For the 9th year of running this event, Bob Kulchuk has added over 8K added cash, while also making the course longer and tougher by extending yet another 3 holes, and making it a 3 day with tee times cycling through Coggshall first round, Meadowbrook 2nd day, and back to Coggshall for the final round.

For this all star feature card we are covering your leader and 2023 Vineyard Champion Andres Ripley (998 Rated), pitching phenom Nick Economos (987 Rated), making his debut Justin Patenaude (990 Rated), and Daceyland Champion Shane Wyatt (979 Rated)! We also got Harry Chace and Daniel Brook-Wells in the booth and giving us some awesome perspective on the the course and card.

This was the first event in the Sunstein Series event and also a NEFA sponsored event! Which means every shot mattered even more. For more information about series check out https://www.sunsteinseries.com/

Thanks to the supporting sponsors below for helping support the tourney and coverage.

Platnium Sponsors:

Gold Sponsors:
Disc golf 978

Silver Sponsors:
Amplified Insurance
Meadowbrook Orchards
The Lazy Frog

Course: Meadowbrook Orchards, Sterling MA
Length: 7200, par 61
Date: April 25th, 2024
Round 2, Front 9

Commentary by:
Harry Chace and Daniel Brooks-Wells

Camera Operators:
Schuyler Macdonald
Paul Morrison (Catch Cam)
Dan Snyder (Reaction Cam)


Welcome To The Jungle IX [RD2 : B9]


Welcome To The Jungle IX [RD1 : B9]